2024 is the fifth year I’ve been transcribing. It’s quite unexpected that I last this long doing one niche in the freelancing world. I think it is high time for …
Daily Musings
Accents enrich conversations with nuances and character, reminding us that language is a living, breathing entity shaped by the people who speak it.
Automations are everywhere, including in the English transcription field. I read and followed a discussion addressing the emergence of auto-transcript services that could possibly plunder this work niche that I …
As a transcriber, I understand how essential it is to capture and document important points in conversations, interviews, and meetings. However, recordings with difficult audio often pose significant challenges.
It can be pretty confusing to pick the right transcription service with all the options out there. There are so many different prices, and it’s hard to know which one …
When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with piles of interview recordings at some point in your professional journey, I have the solution. Let me tell you about a game-changer: hiring …
Last year during my journey to overcome burnout, I took up bookbinding lessons. I jumped on the bandwagon of making a reading journal. This is what happens when you explore …
Recording interviews for transcription purposes requires careful planning and attention to detail. Whether conducting a research interview, capturing a podcast episode, or documenting an important conversation, following specific guidelines will …
Another year went by, and we’re approaching the end of 2022. It’s time to reflect on the journey of my year transcribing full-time and the milestones I’ve achieved.
I will be sharing my personal preferences for the best transcription tools. I understand that other transcribers may have different preferences, which is why I might sound super biased now. …
I didn’t have time to read books right now, but I have time to answer book tag questions.
My 2021 reading challenge isn’t completed. I failed to read a total of 30 books last year. Geez, it’s already last year, huh? I pretty much laid out why I …