I didn’t have time to read books right now, but I have time to answer book tag questions.
Never too many as long as it’s supported by proper story arc and character development. Take Ann Swinfen’s Oxford Murder Mysteries series, for example. This is one series that deserves treatment and attention similar to Susanna Gregory’s Matthew Bartholomew adventures. I believe Nicholas’ story would continue if not for her passing. I would have wanted to read more about Nicholas, but it’s impossible now.
2. How do you feel about cliffhangers?
Depending on my mood, it can ranges from mildly annoying to immensely infuriating. I have similar feelings towards series finale on TV.
3. Hardcover or paperback?
Paperback. I’m too lazy, I don’t like coffee table displays, I don’t like my bags too heavy. I like reading while doing Number Two. Paperback.
4. Favourite book?
In the last decade my favourite book(s) go(es) to Ken Follett’s Kingsbridge series, the quadrilogy.
5. Least favourite book?
Any books with excessive wokeness and/or unnecessary-and-tend-to-be-toxic feminism that ruins the whole story line. I’m looking at you, author of Ela Longespée of Salisbury books. I am dead sure she’s one heck of a character in real life, but the feminism is too much it’s so toxic and I put down the book halfway.
6. Love triangles: yay or nay?
I’m not big on cheesy wheezy love story. But when necessary, love triangle conflicts are tolerable. Nothing too overdone, though.
7. The most recent book you couldn’t finish?
Other than that Ela Longespée book, it’s, my apology, Bernard Cromwell’s Last Kingdom. Why? I think because my brain got stuck with the Harffy effect and couldn’t get away from the style. I will keep trying to finish Last Kingdom, though… It’s a mighty interesting book.
8. A book you’re currently reading?
Matthew Harffy’s A Night of Flames, a second instalment to A Time of Swords. Excitingly waiting for Bernicia Chronicles No. 9, Forest of Foe which is expected to be published on December 8, 2022.
9. Last book you recommended to someone?
The Serpent Sword by Matthew Harffy. You see why I mentioned the Harffy effect previously?
10. Oldest book you’ve read? (Publication date)
Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management (1861) and can we count Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum as well? I might have read some 18th or 19th century ones too for my theses, but can’t remember if they exist.
11. Newest book you’ve read?
A Night of Flames, Matthew Harffy (2022)
12. Favourite author(s)?
Ken Follett, Matthew Harffy, Candace Robb, JK Rowling, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Kathy Reichs.
13. Buying books or borrowing?
Buying. I’m possessive that way.
14. A book you dislike that everyone seems to love?
Some current woke books that I’d hate to mention.
15. Bookmarks or dog-ears?
Bookmarks AND Post-Its.
16. A book you can always reread?
Ken Follett’s Kingsbridge series and Elizabeth Kostova’s The Historian.
17. Can you read while listening to music?
Yes, Karl Jenkins’ music or any instrumental, classical, jazz stuff. Not Eminem, cause listening Eminem or Metallica requires my full attention. I currently discovered SKÁLD, Heilung, and Eivør Pálsdóttir too, which are agreeable as I’m reading Viking period stories.
18. One POV or multiple POV’s?
One, please… Three at most.
19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?
Definitely multiple days. I don’t slow-read, but I research terms and interesting facts as I’m reading. Plus, I got kittens to care for too. They’re my masters.
Having done this, I kinda like it. I think I’m going to do more book tag answers in the future.