Another year went by, and we’re approaching the end of 2022. It’s time to reflect on the journey of my year transcribing full-time and the milestones I’ve achieved. Spending the year in front of the computer made me forget about time, especially when dealing with audio files with exciting content.
Despite the ever-present advancements in AI technology, I remain steadfast in my commitment to delivering accurate, timely, and reliable transcription solutions. This resilience is a testament to my dedication and adaptability.
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such wonderful people despite the distance that separates us. Their commitment to delivering the best for our clients has been a constant source of inspiration. This year-end review, as always, is a chance to reflect on the challenges, achievements, and lessons learned in 2022.
The leftover from 2021 made me create several goals for 2022. One is working on my time management so I can deliver accurate and timely results. I have to admit, in the beginning, I struggled a bit with finding the proper rhythm to work with injured wrists. However, I started using the ClickUp application to help me manage my time, which was not such a bad idea.
I also made time for daily life. As you know, working from home post-pandemic is rather challenging. Although, this was a choice I prefer. I made sure I had the time to rest, read, care for the cats, do chores, crochet, and sleep. I figured I should accept fewer files, meaning I would get a lesser income, which I wasn’t looking forward to. But in the end, I found a way to balance the two. Surprisingly, this little balancing act provided a better way to find the time management rhythm.
Last year, I was inundated with the pain from my de Quervain syndrome, and I’m happy to report that I’ve overcome that in 2022. I believe this was also the result I got from that balancing act between my working time, my resting time, and my income. I’m satisfied with the trial period overall and have decided to keep doing what I do throughout the year.
2022 Achievements
Who would have thought I nearly transcribed 650 hours of audio/video recordings?! 2022 was indeed a busy year, especially in the first quarter. Things slowed down in the following months but picked up a bit in October through December.
I’m happy to report and record that I maintained a 99.85% accuracy rate this year. I still wonder, though, if it will ever hit 100% in the future. I won’t make it a goal because, in the end, I’m only human, and I make mistakes, too. What needs to be understood is that the high accuracy rate depends significantly on the quality of the audio recordings I received. I’m delighted that I seldom got poor-quality audio recordings this year. One or two made me want to slam my keyboard and be done with it, but I handled it the best I could.
I plucked the graphs from my Excel logbook because I always want to know which topics were trending during one-year cycle. This year it was STEM topics. I forgot what I was working on, but I got maybe tens of them throughout 2022. The second trending topic was Arts & Culture, followed by Business & Management. Unlike last year, I didn’t get too much Environment & Climate topics this time. I guess there’s a shift amongst my clients about the topics that interest them.
Language-wise, most of the audio recordings I handled had various European accents (59%), followed by the loyal North American, which are USA or Canadian accents (28.65%). I think I should make a breakdown or a sub-category for these accents to know the diversity of it. I’m thinking this would be helpful for me to hone in more listening skills on which accents.
Challenges and Lessons Learned
I will say that deadlines were the biggest challenge in 2022. As I said, I was still floating through finding the proper rhythm, but the deadlines did not wait for me to settle down. Nevertheless, I’m happy that my clients were not fussy about the formatting of the transcripts, so I could deliver the usual clean transcript, ready to use for their studies.
Another challenge was the returning pain in my wrists. Though manageable, it could hurt like crap when it hit me. When this happens, I usually take longer breaks and do more stretching and hand/wrist yoga to alleviate the pain. I did not take any medicines for this condition because I don’t think I need them yet. If it’s still manageable with stretching and yoga, I try my best to avoid taking unnecessary drugs.
Throughout 2022, I learned to make peace with myself while finding the most comfortable working rhythm. There were times when I was tempted to rush myself and hurt my wrist even more. I needed a constant reminder that it’s okay to slow down and play with the cats or take some crochet projects just to unwind.
I also learned how to manage time better. Though still imperfect, I tried my best to deliver every file on schedule and as promised. 2022 had been a bit of a rollercoaster ride, I’ll admit, but isn’t that how all good stories start? I’ve learned a thing or two about juggling deadlines, prioritising tasks, and squeezing every ounce of productivity out of my day. Sometimes, it can feel pretty darn good; other times, I’d be curling up in bed dealing with the wrist pain.
Truthfully, I’m not claiming to be the master of time just yet—far from it. But I have the feeling that I made strides in the right direction. If there is one thing I want to change in 2023, I want to burn less midnight oil, and get more good night rest. All in all, bring on the deadlines, I say! With a little determination and a whole lot of coffee, there’s nothing we can’t conquer, right?
Set Goals for 2023
I’m still loving how I kept myself motivated in a field of work that I once thought was so shallow and limited. Truly, being a transcriber opens up my eyes, mind, heart, and soul to a landscape I had never been to before. As I said, I am satisfied with the things that happened in 2022. I think the best goal to set forward is to maintain the rhythm and try not to falter to temptations. I mean, unless there’s an emergency, I believe I can maintain all that I had done this year and transfer it to 2023.
I’m hoping for more amazing audio recordings to work with. I’ve had exciting new topics to deal with in 2022, and I’m thankful for the priceless knowledge I’ve gotten through transcribing these materials. I can’t say this enough, but this line of work exposes me to an abundance of new knowledge and sets me free from the boundaries of just one field of expertise. I love learning, so this is perfect.
If I have the opportunity, I would love to hone in on the skills of listening to more accented English speeches. Do I dare to dream of finally being fluent in listening to Scouse or Geordie dialects? Yes, I do. I also need to sharpen my ears with some Asian accents. This is embarrassing, but I do find some Asian accents very challenging, even though I am Asian.
I’ve got to say 2023 is looking mighty bright for more transcription work. As we welcome 2023, I’m feeling all kinds of excited about what’s to come. Here’s to making 2023 our best year yet!